Video Booking Form

The Video Booking form is used for new video bookings and to change or delete a booking. If you have a Non-Video Booking, please choose one of the contacts on the form, found near the top of the video booking form. When booking a video room at any of the 4 campuses, the contact person is Anna Sawicki at the Haileybury Campus. Video bookings are sent too: The booking form can change periodically. It’s best to always retrieve it from the following public area:

Where is the Video Booking Form?
The booking form is found in Public Folders in your Outlook program. To find the public folders, click on the three dots on the left bottom of your Outlook screen.

public folders

Click on folders in the menu that appears.
folder menu

You will see public folders with your email address beside it added to the left side of your outlook program. Click on the little triangle to expand folder. Then expand the “All Public Folders” by clicking on the little triangle again.

Public Folder

Scroll down and expand Video Room Calendars by clicking on the triangle. Click on the folder that says Booking Form to access the latest form.

Access Form

Using the Form

Once you have click on Video Booking in Public Folders, Click Reply. You will notice a new email has started with the default video booking email address. Following these next steps:

  1. Complete the highlighted areas. Fill in all required information.
  2. Feel free to indicate the rooms you would prefer. However, depending on last minute the bookings, the room/s may not be available. Video Booking will choose a room that is as close to the one you require.
  3. All bookings should be sent within a 2 weeks notice. Last minute bookings may lead to unavailable rooms. If your booking has a high priority (date sensitive), or if it is last minute, please indicate this in the email or call ext. 2226 to ensure Video Booking is aware of the last minute booking.
  4. Note: video bookings are completed in date priority order, not as they come in.
  5. Areas the must be filled in for proper bookings include:
    • Requestor/phone/extension. Sometimes video booking may need to get a hold of you.
    • Date of meeting
    • Start/end time
    • Type of Booking (new, change, cancel)
    • Title – please provide the title of the booking
    • Room Details – near the bottom, you will find a section for each campus. Please note which campus you require video and how many participants. If you have already booked a room, or want a specific room, please indicate in this section. Please provide the actual room number, instead of “beside dave’s office”.

Other Important Sections on the Booking Form

Comments – indicate anything important to the booking.

Is this meeting reoccurring – if so, indicate dates/days.

Other – Use this area to indicate if you require someone to connect outside of the college. If they have connected by MOVI in the past, please indicate. If they have not connected with us in the past, please provide their contact (email and or phone), as well as IT contact.